Economic Modeling Platform FAQ

Where does the data come from? All available DoD prime and sub-prime contract data is derived from Chmura, an independent economics and analytics services company, conducted a survey of the prime contractors and sub-contractors identified by primes for more comprehensive supply chain data. Additional contract award data was obtained via media announcements and identified by state stakeholders.

What region is represented? Contract information from the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, and Rhode Island are included on this platform. Data from Vermont and New Hampshire is scheduled to be added in Phase II.

How can the data be viewed? Data can be viewed by state, county or metro area. Future enhancements will include the ability to view data by region as well as by state Workforce Investment Area.

How is the data audited and how often will it be updated? Chmura’s Data Governance group conducts a rigorous review of contract information and corrects and monitors all data to ensure accuracy of award amounts, places of performance, and industry NAICS codes. The integrity of multipliers is improved through the use of additional surveys.

How is the data presented? The platform consists of six main components:

  1. Defense Spending Impact – An overview of the region’s DoD contract dependence, which shows total defense spending and gross regional product, risk assessment, and employment figures.
  2. Spending Forecast – Displays DoD spending in the current fiscal year, projected spending in five years, and the difference in spending over the five-year forecast by dollars and percent change. The spending forecast also includes an interactive “alternative scenario” function.
  3. Spending by Industry – Displays dollars spent, DoD dependent employment (direct, indirect, and induced), and annual wages within each industry.
  4. Top DoD Dependent Occupations – Ranks DoD-dependent occupations, and shows employment numbers and risk factors over the five-year projected period.
  5. Top Contractors – Displays a list of top contractors and contract dollars, ranked by DoD-related awards in the current year.
  6. Prime and Sub-contractor Network – Provides a visualization of the supply chain interconnectivity with the number of DoD contracts performed by region depicted through directed network graphs.

How can I use this tool? The data presented in the platform provides a unique opportunity to plan for potential occupation impacts, including: workforce transition skills; mitigation strategies to minimize loss of jobs; design and deployment of programs and services for dislocated workers; and development of marketing opportunities to maximize firm attraction.

Analysis of the data will also assist stakeholders in generating business plans for startups and entrepreneurs, increasing industry diversification opportunities, influencing ­­­state, regional and national policy, and identify firms for business retention and expansion.